All information about Murter from now on your phones

All information about the island of Murter can be found in the new VisitMurter application, which is available in the Google Play store today.

All information about the island of Murter can be found in the new VisitMurter application, which is available in the Google Play store today. The application is completely free and without ads, and contains all the information that is otherwise available on the web site

All visitors to Murter will be able to quickly, easily and comprehensively receive all the information they need for their even more enjoyable and quality stay in Murter, and residents of Murter can also be informed about events, news and changes on the island. By regularly updating your apps, users will always have the most up-to-date information available.

The application will soon be available for other operating systems, and by then we invite all who have Android operating systems to download the app on their smartphones and explore all the beauty and tempting offer of the island of Murter.